ACM Interactions Article

  • Posted on 1st January 2018
ACM Interactions Article

Along with some fantastic collaborators, we have a new article published in the ACM Interactions magazine that describes why we need to craft a more persistent and stable place for attending to the ‘things’ of design–artifacts, systems, services, and other forms–at the annual CHI conference. This article is in part a synopsis of two highly successful workshops that we have co-organized at CHI 2016 and CHI 2017, and in part an invitation for others to participate in this effort. Check out the article in Print (pdf) or Online!

William Odom, Tom Jenkins, Kristina Andersen, Bill Gaver, James Pierce, Anna Vallgårda, Andy Boucher, David Chatting, Janne van Kollenburg, and Kevin Lefeuvre. 2017. Crafting a place for attending to the things of design at CHI. interactions 25, 1 (December 2017), 52-57. DOI: